Salam All! Just a short post to let you know that I have added some more
8cm stick pins to Hijab Sparkle. There are four new dangly designs to choose from. If you are interested in purchasing, just drop me an email and let me know which number you like. The item number can be found on the sticker just next to the price. Why not get together as a group and purchase a few items to save on postage?!
Oh...and don't forget to become a friend on facebook and let me know your favourite Hijab Sparkle item, so you can be put in the draw to win that item when I reach 100 facebook friends. How's that for easy?
Read this post for more info. Hijab Sparkle has already reached 30 friends, alhamdulilah, so be quick before it reaches 100!
Have a great week!
asalam alaikum
ReplyDeleteI have received my beautiful round hijab pin yesterday (hubby forgot to give it to me)and I was showing it off at work today. I love it, it's unique and so pretty! Thanks so much! The half moon one might be the next on the shopping list....it's pretty too!
Wa alaikum salam sr Sabirah,
ReplyDeleteSo glad you liked your hijab pin and that it arrived to you in the post! Great to hear that you wear your hijab at work, too, Masha Allah (Hijab rules, aye!!). Keep checking the stick pin page, I am planning on making some new designs very soon. I will post on facebook when they are ready too.
Hijab Sparkle.